Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Brows that Wow!

I have ALWAYS struggled with my eyebrows! I look back at pictures of myself in middle school & even a little of high school and cringe. If I didn't watch it, the two of them could become one. And since trying to control them through waxing and plucking there have definitely been some missteps along the way.
In my journey to become a professional beauty consultant I have come to realize how important good brows are to your overall appearance. The first make-up artist I trained under, Robert Jones, talked a lot about symmetry and thinking of your face as art. That was new to me, and I found that through some simple tricks we can do a lot with what we have to work with.
Last night the girl's in my organization had the pleasure of having our brows shaped & waxed by professional stylist Erin Finn. Even though we are in the beauty business, many of us have not attended beauty school & learned these more niche markets. She did an outstanding job, and really took her time at making sure everyone was happy. She pointed out tips throughout each individual session of how to maintain good brows, and really tried to keep any "pain" from the waxing to a minimum. I recommend visiting a professional stylist to get the best advice on how to shape & maintain your brows.

Click here for a video on "How to Get Brows that Wow"

To book an appointment with Erin Finn, located at Studio Hair Design in Franklin,TN, please call 615.289.5830 and CLICK HERE to visit her blog.

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